
IMPORTANT:  The surgery CLOSES at 6pm every evening. There will be access for patients with pre-booked evening appointments as part of our Enhanced Access commitment.
The Dispensary is open between 9am & 5pm only, please collect your medication within these hours. if this is a problem please contact us to make a prior arrangement . 
SICKNOTES: You can self-certificate for 7 days, if you need a note following 7 days and it is a problem that has been dealt with by the Doctor or hospital then please use the Contact us online request below.

If you have a respiratory problem and book a face to face appointment with a Doctor or Nurse, please wear a face covering when you attend the appointment. Thank you

If you request a Doctors appointment, we have asked our receptionists to ask about the reason for your call so they can book you an appointment with the most appropriate Health Professional and you will be offered either a telephone or face to face appointment. Do not attend the surgery unless you have an appointment arranged. 

ONLINE MEDICATION ORDERING  If you wish to write a message to dispensary when you order medication, please write it in the box on the second page, beneath the list of medication you have ordered, not the first page (as this deletes the list of medication you want). Thank you

Medication reviews. In future, on your repeat prescription list, if there is a message in bold print, please take note of it as it will be a message for you personally. (The automatic message has been removed). We are reviewing how medication reviews are carried out and you may note your review date may have been changed.

Covid & Flu Vaccination Information



We want to encourage all our patients to take up both the flu and Covid vaccinations if they are eligible this autumn and are able to do so.

  • if you get flu and COVID-19 at the same time, research shows you're more likely to be seriously ill  
  • getting vaccinated against flu and COVID-19 will provide protection for you and those around you for both these serious illnesses
  • both flu and Covid are miserable illnesses; vaccination offers the best protection against the symptoms


  • Flu and Covid booster vaccinations will be given at Bradworthy surgery for anyone aged 65 and above, or for anyone in an eligible group. See eligibility below.
  • The vaccines will be given at the same time, like last year – one in each arm.
  • Patients only wanting one of the vaccines will be given that option when they book: either just flu, or just Covid.
  • Patients in the qualifying groups will be sent a text in September via which they can make a booking, be informed how to book, or where to call. Alternatively, please call the surgery after 10.30am or speak to us at reception. Texts will go out in batches and over a number of days, so you may not get yours on the first day. People without mobiles will be contacted by phone, and letter if necessary once texts have gone out. 
  • We are unable to specify which Covid vaccine you will be given. It will be either the  Moderna or Pfizer vaccine.
  • We are only vaccinating people for Covid aged 18 and above at the surgery. For information about vaccinations for those in the under 18 age-group, please check these pages for clinic dates and venues. We will post information as we receive it.
  • We are unable to give flu jabs to anyone NOT in the qualifying groups. Please go to other providers, such as pharmacies or larger supermarkets. Charges will apply.


Clinics will be held at Bradworthy Surgery on the following dates:

Friday 4th October

Monday 7th October

Tuesday 15th October

Other clinics may be added if needed, after these dates. Please check here for dates.

If you are able to book in using the link sent to your phone, that would really help us. If you are booking in by phone, please always call AFTER 10.30am. Thank you.

FLU—am I in the eligible groups for a free jab?

There are two types of flu vaccines being used again this year: one for those aged 65 and above and another for those under 65. Those who qualify for a FREE jab are:

  • people aged 65 and over (including those who'll be 65 by 31 March 2025—please note this date is different for Covid eligibility)
  • people who have certain health conditions. Click HERE for details.
  • women who are pregnant
  • people who are in long-stay residential care and care home staff
  • those in receipt of carer's allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick. If you have just become a carer, please let us know.
  • people who live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis)
  • frontline health and social care workers

We will be giving routine nasal vaccinations against flu to children aged 2 to 3 years, born between 01/09/2020 and 31/09/2022, and also those aged 6 months up to 18 years in the clinically at risk groups.  Please note that if your child misses any vaccinations given at school you should call 0300 2470082 (Devon) or 01872 221105 (Cornwall) to be advised.

 To find out more about the Flu vaccination programme click HERE

AUTUMN/WINTER COVID BOOSTER—am I in the eligible group?

The following groups of people are eligible for a Covid booster:

  • residents in a care home for older adults
  • people aged 65 years and over (must be 65 or over at the date of vaccination)
  • people aged 5 to 64 years in a clinical risk group

We are still awaiting full clarification on Covid vaccination eligibility regarding frontline health and social care workers.

As we have not been commissioned to provide Covid Vaccinations to young people who are aged 5 to 17, other local  clinics, or schools will be offering these. We will post these on our website and Facebook page when we are notified.

The National Booking Service (NBS) for clinics elsewhere, will be available only after 23rd September.

To find out more about the Autumn Covid Booster programme click HERE


For all Covid vaccinations the gaps between boosters should be:

  • Those aged 12 and above who are immunocompromised, must have a gap of at least 3 months since their last dose, ideally 6 months.
  • Those aged 65 and above must have a gap of at least 3 months since their last booster/dose, ideally 6 months since the last Covid vaccination.





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