We are now taking bookings for our spring booster vaccination clinic on Friday 4th April. Please call after 10.30am.
IMPORTANT: The surgery CLOSES at 6pm every evening. There will be access for patients with pre-booked evening appointments as part of our Enhanced Access commitment.
The Dispensary is open between 9am & 5pm only, please collect your medication within these hours. if this is a problem please contact us to make a prior arrangement .
SICKNOTES: You can self-certificate for 7 days, if you need a note following 7 days and it is a problem that has been dealt with by the Doctor or hospital then please use the Contact us online request below.
If you have a respiratory problem and book a face to face appointment with a Doctor or Nurse, please wear a face covering when you attend the appointment. Thank you
If you request a Doctors appointment, we have asked our receptionists to ask about the reason for your call so they can book you an appointment with the most appropriate Health Professional and you will be offered either a telephone or face to face appointment. Do not attend the surgery unless you have an appointment arranged.
ONLINE MEDICATION ORDERING If you wish to write a message to dispensary when you order medication, please write it in the box on the second page, beneath the list of medication you have ordered, not the first page (as this deletes the list of medication you want). Thank you
Medication reviews. In future, on your repeat prescription list, if there is a message in bold print, please take note of it as it will be a message for you personally. (The automatic message has been removed). We are reviewing how medication reviews are carried out and you may note your review date may have been changed.